rkd retail/iQ
spring market
Spring Market is a newly repositioned supermarket format of Renhe headquartered in capital of Sichuan province, Chengdu.

As part of a format expansion initiative, rkd retail/iQ was engaged to reposition the Spring Market concept as category complement to Renhe Department store with an enhanced fresh offer, improved customer services and new retail environment.

The available supermarket tenant space and configuration is not always the best shape for an efficient supermarket from either the operation or customer perspective.   Therefore clear circulation is essential, with easy orientation and exposure to all offers with self-determination of shopping pattern based on customer preference most often 2 separate entrances, one from the exterior and one from the department store.

The customer profile position of spring market matches than that of the Renhe Department store A- / B level.

rkd retail/iQ developed all creative expressions of the Spring Market in terms strategy, concept, planning + design, name generation, graphic communication and construction documentation and are currently implementing the program in selected locations in central China.

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