rkd retail/iQ
olé lifestyle center
Retail segmentation in China is cloudy at best.  Most developing retail markets have experienced a similar evolution. China Resources Vanguard, CRV correctly realized they could not out spend and thus out develop the international hypermarket/supercenter giants like Carrefour, Walmart or Lotus in China.  Their path was to be different. 
Team CRV had a vision about a new to the market format and retail experience.  Considerable research was completed from many aspects of retail operation, customer profile, merchandise/service category definition and assortment to help confirm the viability of the concept. 
Olé Lifestyle Center is a lifestyle shopping centered anchored by Olé Market, Apparel and Home specialty store. Olé was created as the differentiated family destination of choice for a day out with concepts like discovery, learning, culture woven into the planning and design.  
rkd retail/iQ was responsible  for the strategic brief and all creative expressions of the retail concept, retail planning + design, brand, retail and environmental graphics, the development of propitiatory fixture programs, construction documentation and retail implementation guidelines.  rkd retail/iQ is currently implementing the program across multiple locations. 

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