rkd retail/iQ
blt* farm market
gaode, guangzhou
rkd retail/iQ created blt* supermarket for China Resources Vanguard in 2009.  After dozens of implemented locations throughout china, the time was right for a format refresh and thus generation 2 was conceived and developed.

The original blt* (better life together) design expressed a crisp and dramatic architecture developed around a plan type that presented merchandise categories located to serve a variety of shopping patterns, from impulse with time pressure for a quick lunch to circulation throughout the entire store for weekly shopping.

blt* G2 planning to match the customer profile would not change significantly for the super “in” portion, however several new “grazing” concepts were introduced enhance the merchandise offer and customer experience.

The main attributes of the new farm market concept relates specifically to the interior architecture, design, materials and graphics.  All new visual cues reference farm and farm like inspirations to match the improved merchandise sourcing goals of traceability and food safty.

rkd retail/iQ was responsible for the strategic brief, all creative expressions: name generation, brand and environmental graphic programs and retail planning + design, construction documentation and is currently rolling out the program across multiple locations in China.

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