Branding is built upon the ultimate luxury positioning to DFS Galleria’s, Wine & Cigars that delivers a superior merchandise assortment of old and new world wines and cigars.
Category, origin, vintage and price graphic communication eases customer orientation and facilitates self-selection across all offers. Perimeter lifestyle graphics communicate wine growing heritage in a sepia tone sun-lit vineyards via internally illuminated light boxes. LCD screens integrated into selected wall presentations add an important layer of depth of motion and information.
An open shop front exposes the entire range and simple plan of the space. Easy to shop and self-select mid-floor fixture systems facilitate flow through the shop and to perimeter walls. Featured are climate control rooms of vintage wine and cigar humidor. Customer service and cash wrap is located logically at the transition between wine and cigar climate controlled rooms.
Mid-floor feature tables remain flexible for a variety of stack up presentations and can be cleared for the hosted wine events. The vertical nature of the perimeter design lands itself well to the merchandise presentation. Special vertical “shards” dangle from the ceiling holding a single bottle each within an internally illuminated glow.
Narrow grain wood in a medium tone complements the linear forms of the perimeter architectures. Lighter tone wood frames the perimeter of the shop and light marble on the flooring and tabletops. Limestone panels are used on the façade and the wine room.
The overall lighting concept utilizes recessed LED spotlights with a focused attention and light level that creates depth and contrast to maximize the significant ceiling height. Decorative pendant “shard” light fixtures provide additional interest and accent mid-floor. Rear lit vertical fins in a very warm color create further interest and depth.
Tabletop presentation allows the potential for a variety of abundant presentations using wine crates and props to present featured wines. Vintage highlight bays within the climate controlled wine room tell the story of the wine maker and vineyard and present the prestigious merchandise on angled wooden wave profile shelves. Perimeter fixtures and merchandise presentation are constructed from vertical brands of narrow grain wood punctuated with shadow boxes for magnum and accessories presentation and are rear illuminated for affect.