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i TO i
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supersports MX
Q8 everyday

Q8 everyday

stores and retail spaces 6, 2005, page 150-153
Kuwait Petroleum Thailand, operating under the Q8 brand, realized shop performance was the only way to increase market share, brand equity and profit in the fixture.

The design intent was to maximize exposure and circulation to all product offerings. By angling the upright cooler wall, the traditional “dead corner” was eliminated by bringing this important merchandise category visually closer to the shop entrance. Perpendicular to the wall, the mid-floor gondolas of snack categories are arranged so customers must pass through them on their way to the cooler.

The design intent was to maximize exposure and circulation to all product offerings. By angling the upright cooler wall, the traditional “dead corner” was eliminated by bringing this important merchandise category visually closer to the shop entrance. Perpendicular to the wall, the mid-floor gondolas of snack categories are arranged so customers must pass through them on their way to the cooler.

The petroleum industry typically connects the shop component and the pump island into one integrated architectural statement. The new Q8 everyday shop stands independent of the pumps, while the main architectural character is significant in scale as it passes from exterior architecture into interior space.

As a playful reference to the original name play of Q8 from Kuwait, phrases such as Qool Life Style in yellow were developed to identity general merchandise; Fresh and Qool in blue for cold drinks; and Fresh and Quick in orange and magenta for the feature area of ready heat and eat fast food.

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